Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Got Style?

I really enjoyed Common Craft video tutorials, and went to their company website to research more. It is a two people, husband and wife company working out of their home in Seattle. Neither one of them has a ID background. I think they found a unique presentation style that works great with this media and audience. It got me thinking, do I have what it takes to develop my own teaching style? Do you have one? Did it come with experience or just happened right away?


miles said...

Something about the Pacific Northwest that sets it apart from the Bay Area is the individual innovation, the small businesses, the husband and wife teams. Maybe it is because of the cheaper cost of living, but when I think of the Bay Area, I think of innovative companies as opposed to innovative individuals.

CJ said...

hmm, when i read that you said that these two individuals were innovative that got me thinking. what makes this innovative? cute, quirky, simplistic? do those qualities result in innovation? Focusing on those qualities, I remembered a series of UPS advertisements that used the same principles. See the video clips here(http://www.pressroom.ups.com/multimedia/av/advertising).

So was this couple just emulating a successful instructional strategy that they had seen on tv? I tried to find out which came first but I could not find concrete dates. So I think that innovation does mean that you must create a style of instruction as long as your instructional goals are met. This style can be used by an ID as a tool that could be utilized in development.

Copying is the highest form of flattery.