Back to school. This is most likely my last semester in ITEC and my last class in the program. Wouldn't it be nice to combine the understanding of emerging technologies in education with everything I've learned so far?
We started by breaking into groups and discussing the Web 2.0 concept. Our group saw the role of Web 2.0 as transforming the way we use the Web: from resource to collaborative environment, from consumer of information to active contributor of the content.
I still remember how I went through this transformation myself. I first created my account on livejournal, but did not contribute anything for a while, just reading, treating it as a resource. Now I have my own blog, have several long distance friends, participate in community discussions, get most of my news about Ukraine in Russia, and even volunteer as a translator for a news web site from time to time.
We also watched a video called Web 2.0 The Machine is Us/ing Us
A Day in Butare, Rwanda
14 years ago